
The information contained within the following articles explicitly relates to the version of MoneyWell available from the App Store (that was released in March 2023) unless otherwise stated.

You can find out more about previous versions of MoneyWell in the following articles, MoneyWell 3 and MoneyWell 2.

The latest release of MoneyWell brings several notable changes. This article aims to provide a brief explanation of these updates, along with links to more detailed information on each topic.

Budget Management

Now that MoneyWell has transitioned from the "document" model to a more streamlined approach. Instead of managing individual documents, the MoneyWell app now takes care of all your budgets.

In contrast to earlier versions of MoneyWell (MoneyWell 1, MoneyWell 2, MoneyWell 3), where your Document existed as a separate file that could be freely moved and saved. As of March 2023, MoneyWell operates differently with its new sync system. Now, MoneyWell takes care of managing all your Budgets internally. As a result, there have been some adjustments to processes such as Backing up and Restoring. Additionally, there are new procedures for Enabling and Disabling Sync.

For more information on topics such as Backing Up, Restoring, Deleting, Syncing and Un-Syncing your Budget, please read our article:

For more information on getting started with MoneyWell, see our articles:

Budget Sharing

Exciting news with MoneyWell 2023.05! Now you can effortlessly share a Budget across multiple iCloud accounts, it's as simple as sending an email.

For more details, including informative videos on Budget Sharing, check out our article:

Moving from Previous Versions

As MoneyWell has transitioned away from the old "document" model, the storage location for your data has also changed. Please refer to our article for a comprehensive explanation of where your data is now stored and the reasons behind this transition:

If you're coming from MoneyWell 3 and want to import your old style MoneyWell Document, please read our article:

If you are looking at running MoneyWell 3 alongside this new version of MoneyWell, please read our article:

If you use attachments and want to know how this has changed with MoneyWell, please read our article:

Helpful Articles

For articles relating to sync:

For articles relating to Budget Management:

For more information on the new MoneyWell Subscription:

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