Transaction Types

Transaction types in MoneyWell control the calculations and often the values you are allowed to assign to a transaction.

If your account is not an Investment account, you are given these three types:

  • Deposit - This creates a positive amount for the transaction.
  • Withdrawal - This create a negative amount for the transaction.
  • Check - This is also a negative amount and also adds a check reference field.

If your account is an Investment account, you have the banking types and fourteen others. Many of these allow a security symbol entry:

  • Stock Transfer In - Negative amount, increase in stock shares.
  • Stock Transfer Out - Positive amount, decrease in stock shares.
  • Buy Stock - Negative amount, increase in stock shares.
  • Sell Stock - Positive amount, decrease in stock shares.
  • Split Stock - Allows split ratio and adjusts stock based on stock quantity
  • Reinvest - Negative amount, increase in stock shares.
  • Dividend - Positive amount with no stock changes.
  • Capital Gain - Positive amount with no stock changes.
  • Interest Income - Positive amount with no stock changes.
  • Margin Interest - Positive amount with no stock changes.
  • Buy Mutual Fund - Negative amount, increase in stock shares.
  • Sell Mutual Fund - Positive amount, decrease in stock shares.
  • Buy Option - Negative amount, increase in stock shares.
  • Sell Option - Positive amount, decrease in stock shares.
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